Leadership Culture Bootcamp
Reach Your Potential for
Extraordinary Results.
Leadership Culture Bootcamp is for team members on the frontlines daily, working where culture meets execution. It’s a break from the daily grind of activity to focus on leadership, elevate trust in your team, and put intense effort and hard work into the big picture.
Moving the needle in culture must include an intentional investment in the people who meet daily business challenges. Leadership Culture Bootcamp hits the mark.
We have distilled lessons learned from our work in the trenches with high-performing teams. Bootcamp Sessions focus on the key ingredients that will unleash potential. We’ll dive into Trust, Responsibility, Conflict Leadership, and Problem-Solving.
Leadership Bootcamp begins with a recipe for creating a high-trust environment and includes three 90-minute sessions delivered in person and on-site to your frontline teams.
Pre-Work: Create a High-Trust Environment
Session 1: Shift to Taking 100% Responsibility
Session 2: Understand How to Lead Through Conflict
Session 3: Learn to Solve Problems in Real Time