Frequently, the entrepreneurial spirit is admired and praised. It is a deep stirring within to dream and pursue. If you are an entrepreneur or if you have spent any time with one, you know what it’s like to lift your eyes and gaze toward the horizon and dream. The recipe for an entrepreneur calls for creativity, innovation, courage and enthusiastic expectation of a better tomorrow. That’s the entrepreneurial spirit.
So, what’s an Intrapreneurial spirit? Jacob Morgan is a futuristic that enjoys painting a picture of tomorrow’s organizations. According to Morgan, it’s one of the guiding principles for effective work in the days to come. In the future, organizations will need to be Intrapreneurial.
“The same spirit, passion, and creativity that entrepreneurs have must also be fostered inside of organizations. Employees should be able to test out ideas, run experiments, pitch new projects, and “run” with the ones that have potential.”
Jacob Morgan, 14 Principles of the Future Organization
Did you catch the difference? Intrapreneurs are on the inside. It’s not just about the new adventures “out there”. It’s about taking risks “in here.” If Morgan is correct, and I believe he is, organizational leaders need to hone in on what has been known about entrepreneurship and make sure those qualities are allowed to grow on the inside. For the most part, entrepreneurs are those who are characterized by a new launch outside of an organization. The organization of the future will need to foster an environment that gives birth to more and more creativity on the inside.
What would it look like if you decided to add this to your strategic planning agenda? What is your strategic plan for Intrapreneurial culture creation? Some organizational cultures seem to have the edge when it comes to testing new ideas and running with experiments. Test your soil today. Do you have fertile ground in your organization? Begin a discussion today and begin to cultivate a culture where spirit, passion and creativity can flourish.
InitiativeOne helps leaders break down the barriers that hinder healthy culture creation.